O brother where art thou big rock candy mountain

O brother where art thou big rock candy mountain If you were to suck your checks in-between your teeth, this is the area right where you could accidentally bite the inside of your cheek when eating. Sore on side of nose is better. Left shoulder feels as if there are little pins in it; lower back about the waist area aches. I have been hauling plants back into the greenhouse and re-potting all this week could by why. When brushing my teeth this morning, I noticed that one of the cavities that is on the tooth next to the 2 front lower teeth on the left is GONE. The same tooth on the right, that cavity is smaller!! Both ears seem to be fine, like nothing was wrong. No swelling under chin but still tender to the touch. 11:15 Right side of jaw towards chin is numb feeling and the numbness is spreading up to the corner of my mouth. 12:20 It literally feels numb as if I d been to a dentist, and like I m drooling, but I m not. Area is a little swollen and has a burning sensation like what you get from a shot of Novocain. 1:45 Numb feeling seems to be leaving; not totally gone yet. 2:00 Right back side of head has a throbbing sensation, goes about as fast as it comes. Numb feeling o brother where art thou big rock candy mountain spreading upward to cheekbone and into eyebrow. This feeling isn t too bad and is tolerable. Right side of throat is sore. 2:15 Right cheek literally feels as if I have been slapped across the face, it s that kind of numbing, stinging and burning sensation now. Area around the right corner of mouth still feels numb with a slight cold sensation that comes and goes. Sore throat is gone. This has not ever happened before with these flare-ups. Where this is happening is exactly where I fractured my cheek bone several years o brother where art thou big rock candy mountain from walking through the house at night with no light on. I walked into the corner of the Leslie cabinet. Five years ago I had to have a large cyst removed o brother where art thou big rock candy mountain the front of the cheek. When I was 2 yrs old, I accidentally ran into a corner of a kitchen sink; the metal trim that went around the outside of the area was loose and hanging. When I ran into it, the metal with some wood attached literally stuck into my face, making a nasty gash from the corner of the eyebrow around the outside edge of the eye and down along the cheek, stopping just short of the corner of my mouth. 3:45 Pain in right jawbone is gone. Noticed there is a small lump size of small garden pea about 1 inch from tip of chin on right side. This area is still a little swollen; painful to the touch, but the numbing sensation has stopped. 4:55 Lips have buzzing sensation, started at right of corner of mouth, went across to slightly over center of lips and faded out, lasted for only a few seconds. 6:30 p. Feeling really great and different and different, almost like a new lease on life; this is GREAT. 11:45 Lump on jaw is straight down from corner of mouth on right side. It feels hot and feverish and the whole area is puffy; the lump is hard. Another lump has come in between this one and corner of mouth. This one is firm yet squishy feeling only painful to the touch. Sore from flare-up is getting better and smaller; it s no longer split in the middle but as one firm hard scab. Inside of cheek still has like a welt in it. Head has had a few twinges of pain, on right side, nothing like it has been, almost not worth mentioning. Area directly under chin is back to looking more normal; very little pain to the touch and the lump is smaller this is definitely getting better. Small knot like lump behind right earlobe; no pain with it. Did drink a gallon of the m-state water today and sprayed it on face and troubled areas 3 times today as well. 10:04 Area directly under chin has no pain, lump gone, jaw area to corner of lip still swollen, lump in jaw is size of small garden pea and tender to the touch.

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