Winnie the pooh seasons of giving part 1

Winnie the pooh seasons of giving part 1

I havent seen a blu-ray movie home in about 2 months. 1/mo for something I want, but cant have is not acceptable. You sound like you work for Netflix! What a rip-off. I dont buy the argument at all. Im going to look into switching providers. Prior to the price upgrade, you were paying the same as everyone else but getting more assuming you were getting Blu-Ray. So, why would they want to buy enough stock so that everyone could get their movies in this format with minimal wait? Theyre paying more per copy, youre paying the same per month as if you were getting it on DVD. With 6 million members, lets say that 1% use Blu-Ray. Thats 60, 000 members, which equals 60, 000 per month of extra income. Im sure theyll pocket some of that, but Im also sure that a good chunk of it will go to buying more titles on Blu-Ray and more copies. I expected that I work for Netflix! deal. Nope, I have my gripes as well I hate the New Releases page and I was bitching about that just like all of you. I just dont see a problem with this, and in fact, I think its a good thing. These complaints posted are just nonsensical. I actually applaud Netflix for this reasonable change. I understand the significant cost of Blu-rays and 1 is more than fair. Just one question, will availability increase as it is a bit low at the time. I will be canceling, you have just winnie the pooh seasons of giving part 1 Blockbuster more attractive. when I can get B movies for 1 less or watch them on my Mac, then Ill call it someone actually posts numbers that affect the bottom line in a negative way. Offering blue-ray to BEGIN with has upped the bottom line, without raising the much? Show me the figures. Show me in numbers, how its hurting the bottom line, and Ill buy Who cares what the reason for the price mark up is? Its an additional service and Netflix should have the right to charge whatever they want for the service. For me, its only 1 and not that big a deal. For you, maybe 12/year is a big deal. It seems like alot of posts are trying to justify this increase. I dont think Blu-ray discs have increased in price since they came out. Usually price goes down over time. Why didnt netflix charge this when they offered the first Blu-ray disc? Sounds like the drug dealer mentality to the first hit is free. Even if a Blu-Ray costs winnie the pooh seasons of giving part 1 dollars more at retail, or, lets say for the sake of argumant 10 more to license for rental per disc, Netflix surely saves money due to the Durabis coating I have never received a BD with ANY scratches, whereas nearly every DVD I have received is in some state of disrepair, and 1 in 20 are cracked or unplayable; as well as the robust copy protection BD-R media is prohibitively expensive, decoding programs are not widespread, storage space is a concern for pirates. I call BS and price-gouging on Netflix. Which really isnt a big surprise considering their throttling practices. Theyre just trying to squeeze their consumers by pinching pennies in a segment which they think will pony up more dough. I canceled my account over this and the mac streaming issue about 10 minutes ago. Unfortunately they didnt give a comment box for me to let them know why Im canceling my account. Id come back if Blu-rays were the same price. When I looked at my queue and saw only 3 blu-ray titles I realized it wasnt worth it. Considering that Blu-ray movies cost on average 30% more the standard dvd, Im surprised the extra fee wasnt charged from the beginning.

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