Sunjeong manhwa Band of

Sunjeong manhwa

Band of Brothers turns a vast historical event into a series of potent personal experiences; it s a deeply engrossing and affecting accomplishment. Bret Fetzer With the number of reviews of Band of Brothers standing at over nine hundred, and the average rating being five stars, there is really nothing I can add to what has already been said. But I will sunjeong manhwa in anyway and say Band of Brothers is by far the best WWII film I have ever seen. Produced by Steven Spielberg and Tom Hanks, the ten-part HBO miniseries follows the men of Easy Company, 101st Airborne, from boot-camp through D-Day and the Battle of the Bulge to the taking of Hitler s Eagle s Nest. Each episode has a different director and focus, but the series maintains an overarching storyline with a common theme and common characters. Hanks and Speilberg s involvement with the project make comparisons to Saving Private Ryan inevitable; like many other reviewers, I think Band is an improvement over Private Ryan, as the longer format allows for greater character development, and ultimately offers a more realistic psychological portrayal of what these particular soldiers endured. The film is also notable because for many it will serve as an introduction to the work of Stephen Ambrose, whose book of the same title is the basis for the miniseries. I absolutely recommend the Band of Brothers DVD box set to anyone who is at all interested in WWII history, or to anyone who is simply interested in seeing a great film. All of the extra features, especially the documentary which features interviews with the real life survivors of Easy Company, are excellent. The only oversight by the producers is the lack of English subtitles; beyond that, everything in this set is golden. Like so many other reviewers here, I believe Band of Brothers is destined to become a classic. Lots of Hollywood efforts toward dramatizing WW2 look too glossy, make the death too sanitized or far flung gore. Human relations are usually lost, and love stories thrown in to grab the girls. It becomes about the grit, the determination, and the supermen on the line. But, in this mini-series you get sunjeong manhwa relations of people in the military ranks, to leadership, to each other, and shows them dealing with the chaos of war in a very human approach and without piles of blood and intestines strewn through the shots to hammer home the idea that someone died. Made by the Private Ryan heads, I found this film much better. Private Ryan was rather boring. It did what it had to do punctuate the hell of D-Day, and then get you into the closer fighting in towns, and the lack of orientation that must happen in heated battles. But Ryan sunjeong manhwa like a comic book compared to this adaptation of a book by a US soldier in WWII. Band Of Brothers takes you through the entire experience of the war, and makes it work by making a stew of solid entertainment crafted from great acting, great writing and script editing, great directing most times, great lighting, great effects, great characters, great settings, and wonderful detail. Is it precisely historic? Who can really say? The Euros and war-sissies always get strung out on anything that isn t their view of events from a distant seat. From what I know of WW2 and how people are under pressure in situations of danger, this sure seems absolutely plausible. But, what does it matter? The purpose of this is to create an escapism drama wrapped around real people and events. And it succeeds 110%. The weakest facet of most all dramatic simplifications of complex histories is that they can easily lose many people that are not intimately aware of the geography, time line, or greater events surrounding the subject portrayed. Band of Brothers would have really been aided by the old standard of a map with arrows animating along to show how the troops were progressing, or where they were at every part of the story usually beginning of episodes. It really was getting confusing during the battle of the bulge when the 101st was surrounded, but you never get the idea they were truly surrounded or cut off, and have no idea where this all is taking place; fox holes, town, blue lighting, yellow lighting, two worlds apart, people say things, we can t tell what is going on, somehow it is connected. Despite the nay saying, this really does show a lot of the earthy and practical attitudes of Americans under fire. Some falter, some crack, some die, some harden themselves, some are afraid, some fool hardy, and true to the history they make it work by applying pressure and standing ground. You can tell how everyone is changed by the war, and how most will go back home and have trouble sleeping for decades to come after all they were through. Contrary to the soldier who commented a while back, I remember seeing a documentary that related how Eisenhower came into Berlin, or some part of Germany at the end of the war, saw the unshaven, sloppy, dirty, US soldiers contrasted against the clean, proper lines and energy of the Germans, and said something like, We have to do something. Our soldiers look like sacks of garbage. And thus, Ike got the army uniform trimmed.

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